tanchangya dress Location: Tanchangyas live in the Rangamati, Bandarban and Khagrachari district of CHT and also found in Boisyabeli areas in Chittagong district, and in Ukhia and Teknaf areas of Cox's Bazar District in Bangladesh. Tanchangyas also live in the north-eastern regions of Mizoram States of India, as well as the Arakan region of Myanmar. In Myanmar, they are known as "Dainak" Population : In terms of population, the Tanchangya tribe ranks fifth among indigenous thirteen indigenous communities of Bangladesh, but in general reference they are mentioned as the fourth. In 1990, 1995, 2000, 2004 and 2006, the total population figures roughly showed as 19,522, 25,500, 30,000, 35,000 and 36,200 respectively. According to 1991 population census enumerated them at 21,057 and the number of households was 4,043 families and according to the latest Bangladesh national population of 2004, their population is 35,000. But they claim that their number is too much Pr...